Kelsey Baker



Kelsey Baker is an intermedia artist who invents surreal landscapes and evokes liminal spaces. Her work presents the familiar as strange using distortions in placement and scale, allowing the viewer access to realms or states of being that might be otherwise inaccessible. Viewers are invited to experience the in-between spaces.

Baker received a BA from Southwestern University in 2016 and an MFA from Washington State University in 2020. She was a recipient of a King Creativity Fund Grant in 2015 and the Walter Milton Potter Prize in 2016. In 2019, she was awarded the John Ludwig Graduate Fellowship. Her work has been featured in group and solo exhibitions nationally, such as the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art; New Texas Talent at Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX; The Peopleโ€™s Gallery, Austin, TX; Terrain Gallery, Spokane, WA; Gspot Gallery, Houston, TX; and Off the Cost, Portland, OR.

Studio Walkthrough

A quick look inside Kelsey Baker's studio at Contracommon.



Recent exhibitions


Light Year 79: Momentary - AURORA Dallas, Scope Berlin

A Becoming with Jesus Trevino, Contracommon

Seeking Form, Sarofim Galllery